If Anne Can
If Anne Can
Living Life Outside the Lines: Kate Hughes; Artist
An early memory of a cruel teacher left me dreading the thought of ever trying to create an artwork.
Meeting Kate Hughes and attending one of her art classes changed my mind, so I was delighted when she agreed to be a guest on this podcast.
I thought our conversation would revolve around how she escaped the restraints of school teaching and smoothly moved to create her art studio, but it proved to be so much more.
Kate talks movingly about how being prescribed the mini pill after the birth of her second child led her to suffer debilitating depression and anxiety. She had to leave her teaching job and relocate to Manchester. Throughout her suffering, she trusted her innate bravery and focused on creating art.
Kate happened to see a Facebook post where she learned that one of the side effects of the mini-pill was depression. Within days of coming off the medication, Kate regained her health.
She uses her energy to share her love of art with others.
Her classes are both energizing and cathartic, and if you can get to her Manchester studio, I urge you to sign up. After all, if Anne Can ……..
Reach Kate Hughes at Outside The Lines Art Group Outside The Lines Art Group | Facebook
| Outside The Lines Art Group | FacebookThis is a safe space for you to explore your creativity. A group to enjoy and celebrate processes, techniques an...
The book I chose for Kate is: Keep Going; 10 Ways To Stay Creative In Good Times And Bad: Austin Kleon
The Book Kate chose for me is: Bloody Brilliant People: The Couples and Partnerships That History Forgot: Cathy Newman
#art #mentalhealth #artclass #Outsidethelines #IfAnneCan