If Anne Can

Building Courage: Angela Bentley; Ice Warrior

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00:00 | 28:05

Building Courage: Angela Bentley; Ice Warrior

Why are people evangelical about the Wim Hof practice of breath work and embracing ice cold water?  

Please tune in to hear Angela Bentley, certified Wim Hof instructor talk about her passion for the ice and how she uses her expertise to support people with their physical, mental and emotional health.

I met Angela on a cold day in December, and she led me into the freezing Pickmere Lake.

During our conversation, we talk about - 

  • Overcoming anxiety.
  • Building courage and being capable of difficult things.
  • Abandoning the need to be perfect so that you can find your start. 
  • The importance of purpose and connection, both with others and yourself.
  • Take steps to bring more connection into your life.
  • Finding out what ignites you.
  • The privilege of not being alone.

I would like to send Angela a heartfelt thanks,  being part of her group has been a great joy!     



Reach Angela Bentley at:  https://theicewarrior.com/

The book I chose for Angela is: Sisu: The Finish Art of Courage by Joanna Nyland